Меке и одбојне, полиуретанске пене се користе у различитим деловима нашег живота. Могу се наћи у намештају, на пример, каучу или столици, па чак и у ђоновима ципела. Такве ствари су присутне свуда унаоколо, али да ли сте икада застали и размислили о томе како...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШСви други отварачи за пену Без обзира да ли желите да га спакујете и отворите. Они олакшавају производним јединицама да праве нове материјале заједно са повећањем њихове продуктивности. Сви отварачи који долазе у контакт са пеном побољшавају квалитет производа осим прављења...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШШто полиуретан чини специфичном правом пеном са бројним применама у нашем савременом свету. То је флексибилан материјал тако да ради веома лепе разне ствари. За различите послове у разним индустријама имамо — компанију САНИИНГ. Ове п...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШWhat is Polyurethane Foam?This kind of bubble the foam is made out of a kind of Polyurethane Foam Catalysts. There are bubbles retained within a hard formation which give the characteristics to the foam. Polyurethane foam is made by combining tw...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШFoam is one of the unique materials we use in so many ways every day. Foam is in mattresses that help us sleep well, in soft pillows that support our head, in car seats that keep us safe while driving, and in insulation that helps keep our homes warm...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШHave you ever wondered how foam is created? Foam is a soft and lightweight material that is found in a wide range of common products, from the mattresses we sleep on and the cushions that make our chairs comfortable to the insulation that keeps our h...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШSANYING knows that we daily use a lot of different materials. That makes those materials important as they let us manufacture numerous things we use; like toys, furniture and electronics. Some of these vices are obvious and open to view; but it may b...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШWhat is a Catalyst? But, catalyts are awesome helpers in the world of chemistry. They make chemical reactions occur more quickly, and at reduced energy costs. Consider them as special tools that guide you to make things happen easier...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШHave you ever wondered how scientists increase the speed of chemical reactions? Actually, they use something called a catalyst! A catalyst is a special ingredient that enables chemicals to react faster. This means that instead of having to wait for a...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШHave you ever wondered if silicone stops fires? That is probably why many are of the thought that silicone-a very safe, durable material, is the good option to have items kept fire-proofed. Let's learn more today about silicone fire safety. Here, we'...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШAre you searching for a durable material that can avoid fires for your project? If yes, consider using Dimethylsilicone. Silicone is a type of elastomer that is heat resistant. Which means it does not melt or catch on fire when in high temperatures. ...
ПОГЛЕДАЈ ЈОШSilicone oil is a unique type of oil that is used in various industries such as technology, health and even your day-to-day products. It is a compound mixture of various objective ingredients. We learn more about the components of Dimethylsilico...